Our process begins with a valuation

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Our promise

Inform owners about the intrinsic value of their business, by carrying out an in-depth analysis of all the valuation drivers specific to their company’s industry.

More than just a business valuation, we provide you with a true picture of your company’s intrinsic value.

In addition to analyzing the value of your company, we also analyze the 8 intrinsic value drivers of your business (sales, operations, marketing, finance, legal, HR, planning, leadership). An in-depth analysis of all these drivers then enables us to share with you a report on each sphere of your business, including all related opportunities.

Valuing a company with pntt allows you to :

Much more than a traditional report

Summary & highlights

Financial analysis

Legal & fiscal analysis

Operational analysis

Risk and opportunity analysis

Your questions, our answers

Selling a business is a complex process that requires professional help. Here are some examples of questions we are frequently asked.

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It’s very important to have a global idea of the value of your business. Too high a price won’t attract buyers, and too low a price will lose you money.

What’s more, as stated above, the longer a business is on the market, the higher the risk that it will become known that it needs to be sold. Although business valuation is an art, not a science, it is essential to hire a professional to determine the right price for your business.

A considerable part of the valuation is based on the appraiser’s experience and discretionary judgment. It is therefore preferable to hire professionals who make this their core business.

What’s more, the appraisal report will give you ammunition for any future negotiations, and provide you with relevant information about your market and competitors, so you can target the right buyers.

No, not necessarily! There’s a difference between price and value. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that the only way to determine the selling price of a business is to put it on the market and find a buyer interested in purchasing it. When you hire a business appraiser, he or she doesn’t take into account the factors that can influence the selling price:

  • The buyer’s negotiating strength;
  • Emotions;
  • Strategic buyers in the market who are willing to pay a premium for the business because they have economies of scale or strategic advantages (usually competitors);
  • Certain restrictions such as a shareholders’ agreement or a supplier’s power over your business;
  • Certain forced actions such as illness or pressure from a loved one; and
  • Payment terms such as: negotiation of a balance of sale, a holdback or an indexation clause on future profits (an “earn out”).

It’s important to understand that the price will be influenced mainly by 2 factors:

  1. Is there a high probability that profits will decrease, remain stable or increase in the future? The buyer buys the probability that the company will make certain profits in the future. This is the buyer’s notion of risk. This is where we need to prove our forecasts and communicate them to the buyer in a simple, concise way. The more profit the buyer expects to make from your business, the higher the price he will offer. This is why a strategic buyer who has synergies with your company will, most of the time, offer a higher price.
  2. How many interested buyers are there? If there’s only one buyer, he or she will be able to negotiate the price they want. On the other hand, if there are 10 buyers, they will have to offer the best price to obtain the company in a potential outbidding.